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17 votes

Duplicate tag [vms] and [openvms]

It should be synonymed the other way around. The product was originally VMS and then it became OpenVMS which I believe it is still called. Other than that I don't see any real reason not to do this.
user9517's user avatar
  • 117k
7 votes

Whence the [language] and [languages] tags?

I can't see any good reason why either of these tags exists. As far as I'm concerned, they can be burninated.
Michael Hampton's user avatar
5 votes

adding ipset tag

I've just created the tag ipset.
Sven's user avatar
  • 100k
5 votes

Let's patch up the [patch] tag!

This isn't a widely used tag, getting under 120 questions after 12 years. But the confusion in there is clear. I'm fine with weeding it, and sorting what's in there between maybe patch-cable and ...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 135k
3 votes

Please rename freenas tag to truenas

And we have zero truenas questions in the database that I can see. Nice branding strategy. This should be doable.
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 135k
3 votes

Please silently tag rocky-linux

The only silent-retag tooling available is by staff, not moderators. I've been reviewing the search and there are a number of questions that are already at the five tag limit. This is in part due to ...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 135k
3 votes

Duplicate tags [graylog] and [graylog2]

Seems legit. I also note that a lot of the questions tagged with one are also tagged with the other, which is often a giveaway. Let me get that fixed up...
womble's user avatar
  • 97.8k
2 votes

Duplicate tag [vms] and [openvms]

Creating synonym is overkilling it: it needs 5 users with a score of 5 on the said tag to be done, or a moderator (the last one is very busy) compared with a single retag that requires 2 minutes and a ...
Braiam's user avatar
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2 votes

Proposal for rename of tcp-offload-engine tag

Sounds reasonable to me. If there's no objections in the next few days, I'll make the change. Maybe remind me, @juhist, in case I forget. <grin>
womble's user avatar
  • 97.8k
2 votes

Are these essentially the same tags?

I wouldn't. Even when Office 365 contains Exchange Online, Exchange Online could be subscribed as a standalone service which don't necessarily have the Office Suite apps.
Felipe Martinez Pineda's user avatar
2 votes

Is [filter] about [filtering]?

I waited long to answer you as I'm uncertain for that one. I'm in between, as it could mean two distinct thing, but I see your case where each are used interchangeably. From my understanding filter ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
2 votes

Should the Tag #ansible-playbook be merged into the Tag #ansible?

I believe I suggested a while ago to mark ansible-playbook as a synonym of ansible but the suggestion didn't receive enough votes. While I believe that, strictly technical speaking, ansible, ansible-...
Henrik Pingel's user avatar
1 vote

SSL and TLS synonyms should be reversed

TLS is built on-top of the SSL protocol (though they are not interoperable). Likewise, HTTPS security certificates that rely on, e.g. TLS connectivity are still referred to as SSL Certificates (...
TylerH's user avatar
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1 vote

Should the Tag #ansible-playbook be merged into the Tag #ansible?

My (extremely) understanding of the Ansible ecosystem is that "Ansible" by itself most properly refers to the entire suite of Ansible-related tools, with most people understanding that saying "ansible"...
womble's user avatar
  • 97.8k
1 vote

Rename and add tag synonym for [tag:windows-subsystem-linux] like the remaining stackexchange sites

I don't see a problem to rename the tag. It's more logic to rename it to the real name. It's done.
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.5k
1 vote

Are these essentially the same tags?

I agree with Felipe. I wanted to add this as a comment, but it is too long. So ... Exchange is not Office. The Office 365 suite is a collection of end-user tools like Word, Excel or Outlook that can ...
Daniel's user avatar
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