29 votes

What is this [blocking] tag?

It looks like a tag that should be burninated to me.
user9517's user avatar
  • 116k
15 votes

Which Header tags need beheading?

These tags are sufficiently generic as to not be all that useful. It's a concept, not a specific technology, and isn't the kind of thing we'd build a tag-community around. Nor are they common enough ...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 134k
12 votes

Do the four 'cable'-related tags differ or should we merge them?

The tag cable, cables and cabling are synonyme, thus all point to the cable's tag, which is sadly missing a description like you find. The questions tagged that way are more for the physical aspect ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.1k
12 votes

Do we really need a [custom] tag?

The tag custom serves no purpose. No one follows it, and no one is likely to use it to find questions of interest. It should be burninated and blacklisted. For that matter, the customization tag ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
11 votes

create "self-hosting" tag

My first association with a tag such as "self-hosting" is @HOME, DIY and an amateur approach, rather than managing information technology systems in a business environment which makes it off-topic ...
HBruijn's user avatar
  • 80.3k
8 votes

Someone is removing the history tag. Was that discussed and should the edit be accepted or rejected?

I recommend doing whatever you feel is appropriate. You have the required rep, so the SE system trusts you with making that judgement. (I think it also assumes that there are more than ~7 active ...
HopelessN00b's user avatar
8 votes

What to do with the gameserver tag?

I agree with your reasoning and I think the best thing we could do is to edit the tag wiki to make it clear that only game servers in a business context are valid here. This will likely be a very ...
Sven's user avatar
  • 99.6k
7 votes

Whence the [language] and [languages] tags?

I can't see any good reason why either of these tags exists. As far as I'm concerned, they can be burninated.
Michael Hampton's user avatar
7 votes

vsan tag on Server Fault

This seems perfectly fine to me. It will give better visibility to questions regarding VMware vSAN. It might also be a good idea to create a tag starwind-vsan for the few questions regarding that ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
7 votes

Do we want anonymity?

I would burn it, I cant see a professional use of that tag. To compare, on Information Security that tag is used 289 times, and its a better site suited for that tag in my own opinion.
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 17.1k
6 votes

Is it usefull to have both tags 'datastax' and 'datastax-enterprise'?

I'm not adverse to doing that and making datastax (the company) a synonym for datastax-enterprise (currently their main product) . Users with sufficient reputation can are encouraged to propose and ...
HBruijn's user avatar
  • 80.3k
5 votes

Which Header tags need beheading?

It appears requestheader was intended to be used about a specific configuration option in Apache. But some questions have used requestheader where they should have been using http-headers. I saw only ...
kasperd's user avatar
  • 30.7k
5 votes

Let's patch up the [patch] tag!

This isn't a widely used tag, getting under 120 questions after 12 years. But the confusion in there is clear. I'm fine with weeding it, and sorting what's in there between maybe patch-cable and ...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 134k
4 votes

create "self-hosting" tag

I would consider this as promoting bad practice (in most situations these days, self-hosting is not a good idea) and a quick look to the questions you linked shows that many of them are quite bad.
Sven's user avatar
  • 99.6k
4 votes

Brocade tag outdated?

At the moment we have exactly four questions mentioning Ruckus hardware. There are 11 mentioning Arris, all of which are about small business/SOHO cable modems (at least, of those that are still open)....
Michael Hampton's user avatar
4 votes

Is there benefit to a Windows-Identity-Foundation (or related) tag here?

I've created a new tag windows-identity. Unfortunately, using windows-identity-foundation was impossible due to the tag length restriction of 25 characters. Also, I am reluctant to create a synonym ...
Sven's user avatar
  • 99.6k
4 votes

tag confusion with [ghost]

Since the majority of the existing questions with the ghost tag appear to be about the Symantec disk cloning and backup software, I have only created a single new ghost-blog tag for the newcomer ...
HBruijn's user avatar
  • 80.3k
4 votes

Tag badge mouseover: factor-of-ten error?

Score, here, is total upvotes minus total downvotes. As far as I know it's worked that way since (almost) the beginning. To quote from the SE FAQ: A tag score is basically the combined total of ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
4 votes

Does ansible-tower also cover AWX?

Since these products are virtually identical and the question volume is very low, I've made a synonym from awx to ansible-tower. If this becomes a problem in future, we can do something else at that ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
4 votes

Can someone please create a new "LEMP" stack tag on ServerFault?

Going over the questions recently tagged lamp, I've got to say I can't see that it adds any value. As such, I'm having trouble imagining how a "lemp" tag is going to fare any better. Can ...
womble's user avatar
  • 97.1k
3 votes

merge [gnu-screen] and [screen]

screen does seem too generic. I'm merging screen into gnu-screen. I did see a few questions under that tag that weren't about GNU screen, but apparently about the user's physical display. Any such ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
3 votes

Some tag changes needed related to Google Kubernetes Engine

I've merged and synonymized google-container-engine to google-kubernetes-engine. I've removed the synonym google-kubernetes from kubernetes. As far as I can tell there's no particular need for this ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
3 votes

How about creating a tag for Powershell JEA (Just Enough Administration)?

I've created the tag powershell-jea by adding it to this question. If you have enough reputation for this, feel free to propose edits to the tag wiki.
Sven's user avatar
  • 99.6k
3 votes

Someone is removing the history tag. Was that discussed and should the edit be accepted or rejected?

The tag is not completely useless, it is accurate for questions regarding the history facility of certain shells. I have been rejecting edits relating to such usage and rolling them back when I see ...
user9517's user avatar
  • 116k
3 votes

Could oom, oom-killer and outofmemoryerror be merged to oom?

I don't think oom and oom-killer should be synonyms. The first one describes a specific situation and the second one a mechanism to handle said situation. They are of course closely related, but not ...
Sven's user avatar
  • 99.6k
3 votes

Please rename freenas tag to truenas

And we have zero truenas questions in the database that I can see. Nice branding strategy. This should be doable.
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • 134k
2 votes

Merge the tags about Linear Tape Open: lto, lto-3, lto-4

I disagree. There are enough differences between LTO generations to warrant different tags. With the same argument, you could merge all Windows server variant tags into one.
Sven's user avatar
  • 99.6k
2 votes

Is anyone looking into the untagged tag?

I wrote a SEDE query which compares the number of untagged questions across different Stack Exchange site. It turns out that ServerFault is really an outlier with over 500 questions; there's no other ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 1,213
2 votes

Does ansible-tower also cover AWX?

As mentioned a tags purpose is to help find questions. That's why I believe it is contra productive to create too specific tags. Too specific tags just mislead new users to set only the specific tag ...
Henrik Pingel's user avatar
2 votes

Proposal for rename of tcp-offload-engine tag

Sounds reasonable to me. If there's no objections in the next few days, I'll make the change. Maybe remind me, @juhist, in case I forget. <grin>
womble's user avatar
  • 97.1k

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