Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
wow, thank you for showing more ignorance! I'm still to receive the search phrase you've used that provides just so many different tools to choose from. The whole point of duckduckgo, BTW, is that it doesn't give different answers to different users, and it's actually based on Google and Bing.
Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
And, BTW, are you kidding me? This is my exact comment: Completely false; you're limited by the network buffers of TCP on both ends in scenarios that involve real broadband connections. – cnst 7 hours ago, to which you've trolled, @cnst That's not correct. Slower links don't magically go faster because a bigger pipe said to. – Nathan C 7 hours ago
Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
If you have no clue of the subject matter, why are you rushing to answer? Also, I did actually point people out in the right direction, it's not exactly my fault that it fell on death ears: my explicit hints were missed by so many people that have, apparently, NEVER heard of BDP, yet thought they're qualified to answer a question on GigE internet (not LAN).
Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
Michael, could you care to explain why my question is not within the "Safe Harbour" provisions of the Let's Go Shopping post you reference? Also, even according to your first point, shouldn't every single answer then educate me about BDP? If so, why not a single one does (and one of the 3 offtopic answers, by spuder, has just apparently been deleted, after receiving 2 negative votes). The 75% of answers had nothing to do with the question, and the 25% answer was merely a comment, and not an actual answer, and you're surprised why I didn't act extra thankful for such bogus answers?
Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
It's not a service recommendation question, it's a question on how to accomplish a certain task that is not being accomplished. It's a pretty specific question.
Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
Well, but none of the answers actually start telling me about BDP!
Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
The original answer, to my comment of which you're referring, was basically just a link to one such tool, without any kind of basic info on how to use it in a simple way that fits the question, and it originally even contained information that was outright wrong. I believe it is an SE policy that a link is not an answer. The answer has since been amended, and is now quite satisfactory.
Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
Please kindly provide a duckduckgo link which has the "tons" of tools that you're referring to.
Why was my question on high-performance-networking put on hold?
rolled back to a previous revision