Working for Sybit & Peers, specializing in SAP HANA
Worked as Head of IT for ContiTech North America
Worked for many other companies (e.g. Bosch, T-Systems, IBM) programming in many languages (Java, Objective-C, PHP, JavaScript, etc.) and worked a lot with many databases (DB2, Oracle, MySQL, etc.)
Studied computer science (Master) at HTWG Konstanz
Studied computer science (Bachelor) at HFT Stuttgart
Ongoing project: FindClimb an app which helps climbers to find their way to a climbing spot
Technologies: iOS, Android, Google-Maps, Google-Shopping, HTML, Objective-C, Java, JS, VB, VBA, Perl, Shell, XML, XSD, Xcode, Eclipse, Linux (Ubuntu/Solaris/Suse/RedHat), OS X (10.8 Mountain Lion / 10.10 Yosemite), Windows (XP/Windows Server 2008/Vista/Windows7/Windows8/Windows10)
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