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HopelessN00b's user avatar
HopelessN00b's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
HR thinks I'm visiting job search websites
@DJPon3 Well, they're HR, so... no, they don't. Literally. Last time someone changed one of their homepages, they couldn't figure out how to get to the intranet to do job functions. Having said that, no one's dumb enough to berate or discipline me over it, but it is a corporate environment, so it's more of a how-many-idiots-am-I-going-to-have-to-explain-these-"anomalo‌​us"-webfilter-report‌​s-to situation. Unless there's a technical solution I'm unaware of.
HR thinks I'm visiting job search websites
Not a bad idea, though I was kinda thinking more along the lines of technical suggestions. Plus, if I talk to HR, I think my answer's going to be more along the lines of "because I deserve a 25% raise." :D
Whats really being taken in consideration to close a question?
As pointed out, that kind of broad question is specifically against the stated purpose of the Stack Exchange sites. (Even if all the highest voted questions and most visited questions are popular precisely for being broad and generally applicable.) I don't like it either, and think it's a pity, but there are other IT communities out there with more of a forum structure that are better suited to (and happy to answer) the type of broader, subjective question you asked. Try somewhere else instead of getting bent out of shape about things here.
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