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Falcon Momot's user avatar
Falcon Momot's user avatar
Falcon Momot's user avatar
Falcon Momot
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
4 votes

New close reasons - Proposals (July 2013)

4 votes

Moderation Overkill on serverfault

4 votes

Should subjective questions be subjected to closure?

4 votes

Clarifying the "shopping question" close reason

4 votes

Why are learning materials questions off-topic?

4 votes

Line noise check, RE: our topic matter

4 votes

2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

3 votes

Do readers of the password-management tag want a new community?

3 votes

Is it OK to just ask a question so you can post your own answer?

3 votes

How many "bad" questions come from unregistered users versus registered users?

3 votes

Creating a canonical "Help, I'm Getting DDOS-ed!" question?

3 votes

Close - Suggested SE site redirecton entries - can we add Network Engineering SE as an option?

3 votes

New close reasons - Proposals (July 2013)

3 votes

Got moderated. Would like advice on how to re-phrase the problem to avoid getting moderated again

2 votes

Why the major FAQ/help change?

2 votes

How to handle follow up questions

1 vote

Just what the hell is "TOO BROAD"?

1 vote

Why isn't SE, Inc. bothering to *explain* all the changes in close vote reasons?

1 vote

In what circumstances should VirtualBox questions be on topic?

1 vote

Why images/screenshots wasn't embedded in most questions/answers? Is it a bad practice?

0 votes

New close reasons - Proposals (July 2013)

-1 votes

Don't vote to close so many old questions at once

-3 votes

Tag removal request: soho

-5 votes

Merge [tag:hacking] into [tag:security]