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user1071914's user avatar
user1071914's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
  • Earth
OK, so I just edited my on-hold question
I asked what I thought was a legitimate system administration question, in what I thought was a legitimate and proper place to ask it. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Server Fault needs professional-quality questions, not just questions from professionals
My $0.02 on this is that the poster is correct. Many sysadmins have a (deserved) reputation as insular, near-autistic pr*cks who won't even talk to you unless you can convert ASCII characters to UTF-8 in your head. Sad to say many of them seem to hang out here, waiting for someone to innocently ask a question so the sysadmin can slap them and scream "STUPID!" That will kill this site eventually.
OK, so I just edited my on-hold question
I'm also curious as to why you think that I was "facetiously" emphasizing the word "business" in my "off topic" post. My post was on-topic, even if it didn't appear to be, and I have since edited it to make that clear. You may not like that I used a sledgehammer instead of tweezers to make my point, but my post is not (and was not) "off topic." It's a legitimate business networking question that I needed the answer to. If you have such hostility to people who don't have your in-depth knowledge, perhaps you should spend less time on StackExchange.
OK, so I just edited my on-hold question
Sorry if I seemed a little snippy. I thought the reaction to my question was a little over-the-top (a simple comment requesting clarification would have sufficed), so my reaction to the reaction was likewise. I don't think a lot of people pay $150 a year for a hosting package to put their collection of kitten pictures on line, so I thought it was clear that this was a network administration question in a business setting. I know from experience that if I had put it on SuperUser it would have been put closed as "Not a home networking" question, so I figured this was the proper place.
OK, so I just edited my on-hold question
Hmm, the "On hold" action listed five names. Apparently they weren't all mods then. My bad, sorry.