Fabrizio Giudici is a Senior Java Architect with a long Java experience in the industrial field. Fabrizio has been running Tidalwave.it, his own consultancy company, since 2001 and has been a technical speaker at JavaOne, JavaPolis, Jazoon, Jini Community Meetings and some italian Java conferences. He started working with Java since the old 1.0 times and after 1.3 he has been committed in demonstrating that Java performance is not an issue, really. After bringing Java to the world of Formula One telemetry, he believes he is on the right path. Today he's often helping customers in picking the right architecture, creating the best design and setting up the proper software factory for their products and services. Fabrizio is a member of the JUG Milano and the NetBeans Dream Team.
AutobiographerSep 28, 2012
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