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EEAA's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Minneapolis, MN
Which corporate IT policy or firewall rule is being circumvented in this scenario?
@Gaia As the deleted comments on your other question indicate, you're hardly in a position to call people out for being rude.
Which corporate IT policy or firewall rule is being circumvented in this scenario?
What is the difference between you being a proxy for the videos and an employee using a proxy site to access resources that would otherwise be blocked?
Which corporate IT policy or firewall rule is being circumvented in this scenario?
One person's "creative solution" is another person's policy circumvention.
Is this question appropriate for Server Fault?
@Chris The OP's relationship with the service is relevant due to the charter of Server Fault. If this person was in charge of running the services mentioned, it would be on-topic. Of course, if this were the case, the person would not be asking this question. As to my last sentence, this is something that any network or sysadmin should know how to do. I'm a strong believer in not spoonfeeding people step-by-step instructions on how to do things. One learns better when they have to put thought and effort into whatever it is they're learning. So I dropped hints as to what the OP should do.
I was in the midst of answering a question when my answer was deleted. Why?
I agree that a draft answers feature would be nice, and would have prevented this altogether. You may consider advocating for such a thing over on meta.stackexchange.
I was in the midst of answering a question when my answer was deleted. Why?
There's an easy solution, something that I do very frequently: use a text editor to compose your answer (I do this so I can use vim key bindings), and then copy/paste into SF.
How to address a user who inappropriately edited an accepted answer
There are far too many variables at play here for us to answer without seeing the question you're referring to. Please link it.
What to do with moderators who act based on personal tastes?
@LiquidCore Please remember - answers posted here, and on Server Fault main, are not only for the original person that asked the question. The answers are also for anyone else that comes upon the Q&A in the future. I understand that you may not think this answer is particularly useful, but I can assure that others could find it useful in the future. Therein lies its value.
What to do with moderators who act based on personal tastes?
@LiquidCore Your machine has policy applied to it by corporate IT that enables them to monitor your browsing. Ethics aside, there's a reason they put that policy in place, and we will not aid you in circumventing rules that they put in place. If you do not wish to be subject to their monitoring, then take it up with them. Or don't use your work machine for personal browsing.
Another "why is this off-topic?" AWITOT? :-p
@tudor Reasons: 1) little if any utility above the incumbent technologies 2) ...leading to lack of adoption 3) ...leading to stagnated development 4) ...leading to lack of useful information. This thing happens all of the time with projects.
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