Can I ask for help on choosing a load average threshold?
There is really no "standard" way to specify what this threshold should be other than answering this question: does the application performance meet your requirements? If so, then the current threshold is fine. If not, change things up.
Are we professionals or...?
There are plenty of ways to answer a question without giving the user a copypasta solution. I do this all of the time. Guide them in the right direction, give them clues for what they need to change, then encourage them to do just that.
Are we professionals or...?
OK, clue for you: someone can be a professional and not yet understand the full stack they're dealing with. Yes, in an ideal world, we'd all be born pre-infused with all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. That's not the case, though. Your ranting in the comments of that question was more un-productive and damaging to the site than the question itself. If you don't agree a question should be on the site, vote and move on. You may consider, though, that you'd make this person's day by helping them out instead of beating them over the head.
Soliciting chargeable work from OP?
Care to post a link?
Honeypotting Serverfault for questions that should not be asked! Should this stop?
But honestly, again, my wishes for a good weekend were indeed genuine. I am perfectly capable of separating someone's actions from their person. Sure, I don't particularly appreciate your actions in this discussion, but for a reasonable and respectful person, why would I not wish a good weekend for you?
Honeypotting Serverfault for questions that should not be asked! Should this stop?
"I don't care" is precisely what I was trying to communicate. Not about you, but about the discussion and the way you've carried yourself through it. So yes, Urban Dictionary's definition of my phrase is absolutely in line with my meaning. I'm done with this discussion. We are very willing to have debate, but the way you're going about trying to sway opinion is non-constructive and frankly, non-effective. If you would have presented your case, without vitriol and inflammation, things would have gone much differently.
Is it time to kill problematic tags like cpanel, plesk, whm and webmin?
@SanuelJackson As explained elsewhere, the presence of the word "cPanel" in a question does not make it off-topic. You can keep saying "this is a banned topic" as much as you'd like, but it is still false.
Honeypotting Serverfault for questions that should not be asked! Should this stop?
Additionally, I am not trying to discourage debate. I was merely trying to communicate that I was tired of trying to explain things to you multiple times, to no effect, and that I would bow out. You're free to engage others if you'd like. My wish that you have a good weekend was genuine. Honestly. Perhaps you think that we're out to get you, or that we have a bone to pick with you. That is not the case. I have no reason to not wish you a good weekend.
Honeypotting Serverfault for questions that should not be asked! Should this stop?
There was not a single personal attack from me, nor any other SF user involved in this entire discussion. I was elected by the community to do my job in a respectful manner, and to represent the community's interests. I believe I'm doing that job well, and haven't ever heard otherwise from a single user nor SE staff. If you think otherwise, well, state your case and give evidence.
Honeypotting Serverfault for questions that should not be asked! Should this stop?
Ooookay then. Dude, perhaps you should consider that Sever Fault isn't the place for you. Have a good weekend.
Honeypotting Serverfault for questions that should not be asked! Should this stop?
No, closure has absolutely nothing to do with what answers (if any at all) a question gets. Questions are closed on the question's merits only.
Honeypotting Serverfault for questions that should not be asked! Should this stop?
Making baseless statements about cPanel-related traffic and Server Fault's reliance on it for its existence is adorable. :)