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sysadmin1138's user avatar
sysadmin1138's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
12 votes

PART 2: How does the drama on meta.SE affect Server Fault?

12 votes

Where can i get an idea other than here?

12 votes

Homepage spammed

11 votes

Labor action notice

11 votes

what do you do when a serverfault moderator posts negative, ad hominem comments on your question?

11 votes

How does Serverfault accept your Yahoo/Google credentials?

11 votes

Canonical post in first post review, how to react?

11 votes

canonical tag for canonical questions?

11 votes

Answering your own question: officially encouraged and unofficially despised?

11 votes

Moderators, please educate us

11 votes

I have questions which no one could solve at the time but I later solved, what should I do with the questions?

10 votes

Server sizing question: How to ask?

10 votes

Kill it with Mundane Crystal Dagger: [fail]

10 votes

Voting on the FAQ rewrite, round 2

10 votes

Vote to Close Reason - Easily RTFM'd

9 votes

Why can't I use https to access the stackexchange sites?

9 votes

Should licencing questions really be closed even when it is massive vendor with standard practices worldwide?

9 votes

Downgrading of Accepted Answers allows answer to go negative!

9 votes

Moderation inconsistencies

9 votes

Is there a way to 'close'/accept answered, abandoned questions?

9 votes

Moderator deleting my questions

9 votes

Voting on the FAQ rewrite

9 votes

Why can't people upvote their own questions?

9 votes

Should licensing questions be closed?

8 votes

Why downvote a question or answer on server fault?

8 votes

Is there an age cut off on the questions you want migrated from SO?

8 votes

Should we try to eliminate password reset questions?

8 votes

Server Fault Moderator Cards

8 votes

Getting slightly frustrated with this account

8 votes

Community Posts for Blog.SF?

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