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voretaq7's user avatar
voretaq7's user avatar
voretaq7's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
48 votes

How can I ask better questions on Server Fault?

40 votes

Abrupt change in moderation staff?

36 votes

Are cpanel questions really 'professional sysadmin' related?

28 votes

Community Promotion Ads - 2013

27 votes

Community Promotion Ads - 2013

26 votes

What should Server Fault do with questions about web hosting control panels?

25 votes

Can we do anything to change the dynamic of the site?

23 votes

I think we're overdoing "get a new job" recommendations in comments

21 votes

Why is my question getting downvoted?

20 votes

Why are learning materials questions off-topic?

20 votes

New close reasons - Proposals (July 2013)

18 votes

Clarifying "Novice questions are off-topic"

18 votes

Reminder notices about open questions

17 votes

What to do with an accepted answer which is plainly wrong?

17 votes

ServerFault Fundamentalism

17 votes

Community Promotion Ads - 2012

17 votes

I think we're overdoing "that's not professional" comments

17 votes

Refusing to give teh codez, good or bad practice?

16 votes

Serverfault mods on a higher horse than stackoverflow (closing questions)

16 votes

IT Certification tags used in questions

16 votes

Question seeking tips and suggestions from technical experts closed, why?

16 votes

Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?

15 votes

Limiting membership

15 votes

"Leave open" votes

14 votes

why my questions get off-topics, please guide me

14 votes

Should folks have to click through an interstitial page to ask questions on Server Fault?

13 votes

Should Server Fault stop accepting questions from unregistered users?

13 votes

Why are moderators/high rep users focused on narrowing the scope of SF?

13 votes

Community Promotion Ads - 2015

13 votes

Should we modify the FAQ to include policy subversion as explicitly Off Topic?

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