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voretaq7's user avatar
voretaq7's user avatar
voretaq7's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
3 votes

ServerFault Survey -- What questions would you like to see?

3 votes

We've always been at war with [standby]

3 votes

What about a questionnaire that is perfectly valid contentwise?

3 votes

Amend an accepted answer to be more correct

3 votes

Delete tag: 2008

3 votes

Paddington Bear Choppertar

2 votes

Downvoting really old questions?

2 votes

Would a "Vote these questions up" chat room make sense?

2 votes

Why was this question closed?

2 votes

What times do current moderators, and moderator candidates, generally feel are their most productive on SF?

2 votes

"sync" vs."synchronization" tags

2 votes

Reboot is a stupid tag. There, I said it

2 votes

How to get rid of a synomym

2 votes

Define tag integrated-authentication

2 votes

The cleanup of old, bad questions is costing me votes!

2 votes

Automatically ask for certain information on Apache vhost questions

2 votes

Can be added?

2 votes

How to decide where is the line between StackOverflow and ServerFault

2 votes

Merge [p4] and [perforce] tags

2 votes

Is this a "Good Subjective" question?

2 votes

How to get interest in your question again to avoid bans by asking the same question multiple times

2 votes

Closing OT crappy questions

2 votes

Cannot Create Bounty - Bug

1 vote

contesting an off-topic designation

1 vote

I'd like a settings option or StackApp that allows me to filter what I see on the site

1 vote

Exchange security guidance (not cross posting, just making you aware)

1 vote

Should this question be a duplicate? If not, how do I unduplicate?

1 vote

List Questions - What to do with new ones

1 vote

Tag wiki edit aproval

1 vote

synonymize tags: 'dhcpd' & 'dhcp-server', and 'isc-dhcp' with 'isc-dhcpd'

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