On hold for a valid question conforming to guidelines
@Sven The answers that eventually did arrive from helpful members were of perfect reference. If a member is going to give a vague reply such as... "It's not a substitute for an actual HA system", which had nothing to do with the question, then maybe they shouldn't be replying to a topic. Then retaliate flagging it when I call them on it.
On hold for a valid question conforming to guidelines
"No it's not "updated as per guidelines". This isn't a forum, where it would be reasonable to ask all participants to list their opinions. It's a QA, where you should ask a practical, answerable question based on actual problems that you face, including enough information that it would be reasonable for people to solve your problem. You have failed." - Jenny
On hold for a valid question conforming to guidelines
Interesting how someone managed to give some legitimate answers and recommendations out of the final postings.
On hold for a valid question conforming to guidelines
Im certain you would @JennyD since you have clearly had many issues with this posting from the start when I challenged your weak reply.