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New features are commonly tested on SO, they're distributed to the other sites once they're vetted.
I had a question migrated from supseruser. What steps can I take to associate the question with my new SF account?
You may need to associate your accounts if you did not do so the first time you were prompted (when you created the account on the additional sites). Check here first. If it's not there to be associated, contact SF using the "Contact US" address at the very bottom of every page.
AS400, iSeries, and IBM-i are all the same system
When you make them synonyms, you can just add the a new synonym in 2 years and it will automatically associate all of them.
Server Fault FAQ Update
I agree that outright banning certain hardware goes too far. The issues comes when people have problems getting Enterprise Requirements out of Consumer Hardware. The other day someone had issues with a Via RAID chipset and some new disk drives. It's likely a compatibility issue. This is a chunk of the price in Enterprise Hardware (known compatibility and a warranty that stands behind that). In that case it was a Dell Server, but 3rd party HDs (consumer grade SATAs).
Server Fault FAQ Update
Cell Phone questions are tricky. If they're related to corporate policy or connecting to an enterprise system in some way, I think they belong. Anything else however does not belong. PBX (et al) belong as Zoredache points out.
why was my question about mac mini servers closed?
-1 "a SERVER isn't represented by the type of Hardware" - When we're talking about hardware, labeling it a server is on basis of the hardware.
mod_rewrite/htaccess/etc. questions - migrate?
+1, I have to agree with sysadmin on both accounts, they should stay on SF and our def. of "webmaster" is different. The main problem I have with these questions is that they are usually asked by people who have not looked at the documentation. Or more commonly by people who saw the documentation, went instantly to "tl;dr", followed by "Ask Question"... It's not that they are off-topic.
why was my question about mac mini servers closed?
being a fan of a particular company has nothing to do with it. Taking desktop grade hardware and creating a server from it does not infer professional grade reliability, manageability, or capability. Even Apple is careful to call it a "desktop server". I understand you disagree with the generally accepted interpretation of the FAQ, but this is a collaboratively edited (clearly stated in the FAQ) and you'll be subjected to others' opinions.
How do you ask a question about server fault after reading the faq and not finding clarification?
@Robert, seasoned SysAdmins have different views of "Server", "Client", "Network", and other components you're are familiar with. Every OS can serve data, that doesn't make it a server to us. If your significant other brings your food to the table one day, does that automatically make them a waiter/waitress?
why was my question about mac mini servers closed?
Hacking a "server" together from the spare parts you have (Mac Mini included) doesn't make it server grade. Your essentially asking how to configure desktop hardware, which has nothing to do with administering a network of computers or a server.
Are most Serverfault users Unix or Windows Admins?
@gWaldo, I never claimed to be unbiased; just not unreasonable ;-)
How do you ask a question about server fault after reading the faq and not finding clarification?
+1 "opinion is really split here on SF" - Bingo
How do you ask a question about server fault after reading the faq and not finding clarification?
@John, I agree there's exceptions that call for unorthodox configurations. I tried to disclaim my knee-jerk reaction, but people will think what they want. I'm just trying to explain what might have happened in this case.
Are most Serverfault users Unix or Windows Admins?
@Garry, this is a question about SO/SF Users, it's belongs on Meta.
Is it possible to view all questions with My Tags?
Probably a good one to post over at, that's a SE design thing and they deal with those questions.
What Should I do About An Answer I Can't Verify
+1 If you can't verify, and there's no way for you to be reasonably sure it's correct, don't mark it accepted. It's better to "languish unanswered" than to be potentially incorrect/misleading.
Should we try to eliminate password reset questions?
@I__, I think every religion that believes in god would disagree, and most would say it's divine inspiration (or design) that gives you the ability to do so. Additionally I know plenty of atheists who would argue that human beings have the innate ability to recognize moral situations, and the duty to do so.