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Scott Pack's user avatar
Scott Pack
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
Will/Should Serverfault be dropping the "networking support" in the upcoming future?
@voretaq7: The cross-posting problem is tricksome to be sure. Ideally the entire network would be one nebulous glob with some kind of meta tagging and dynamic views to include what's relevant. For instance, even with grumbles of Sec.SE being a complete overlap of SF it's really more a subset of SF, SO, DBA, WebApp, Programmers, NetEng, RE, some others, and some of it's own. With SEI doing the Area51 model they've officially blessed and encourage fragmentation. It's definitely a hard thing for us to figure out how to work in.
Will/Should Serverfault be dropping the "networking support" in the upcoming future?
@gWaldo: I waffle quite a lot on that. As a security guy with a systems background I like being able to decide whose viewpoint I can get. Due to the differing responsibilities of the jobs a dedicated security person may give a very different answer from a dedicated systems admin to the same question. Having the different sites allows us to explicitly seek different expertises. However, it also means that people with multiple roles, or multiple interests, have to spread themselves around. Either way you slice it the solutions are non-ideal.
Will/Should Serverfault be dropping the "networking support" in the upcoming future?
@pauska That fits with my hope. It'll be worth watching to see how the public beta turns out.
2013 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection
@TheCleaner: I think the question is fantastic.
2013 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection
You missed your chance to drink with me kiddo.
Will/Should Serverfault be dropping the "networking support" in the upcoming future?
@ChrisS: Then I propose we rename the site to be Guru Meditation.
Permanent storage
@GeorgeProfenza: Ideally you would ask an archivist, but they often work out of the Libraries and/or Information Sciences areas. Of all the SEI sites that's probably your best bet. FWIW, the archivist I've talked to recommends refreshing storage mediums every couple of years and (nearly half joking) that stone is the only proven long term storage medium. Paper being a distant second.
libravatar support?
The source code for StackExchange is free and available?
Question closed by moderator on assumption that it was 'home stuff' which is incorrect!
@Neo: No worries. In the end, this site is all about teaching and learning. If that goal got accomplished, then we won, right?
Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?
@ChrisS: That's kind of my point. Without some kind of system in place to either review the migrations before they get posted to the main site, or restrict who has access to migrate.... I'm feeling like such a whiner, because I desperately want the migration system to be better, but without something relatively drastic it was designed too asynchronously to be reasonably addressed. Sad pirate is sad.
Should Server Fault be removed from Stack Overflow's migration list?
Part of the problem is that considering how little administrative control exists over user behavior I don't see how we can fix the problem on their end. There is no non-voluntary feedback loop. All we can do is compile a list of frequently offending users and have a mod @@ them with educational notices.