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Ben Pilbrow's user avatar
Ben Pilbrow's user avatar
Ben Pilbrow's user avatar
Ben Pilbrow
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
12 votes

Getting a bit too snarky

12 votes

What should we do with "coolest server names"

10 votes

It's Santa Time!

9 votes

Adding a User Rep/Question Threshold ala Slashdot?

8 votes

database-adminstration tag should be synonym of database-administration, not other way round

7 votes

Retag or synonym Corruption tag

6 votes

Equivalent tag to 'homework': 'do-my-job-for-me'?

6 votes

serverfault doesn't has a PM?

6 votes

Where are the "belongs on..." closing options?!?

6 votes

AS400, iSeries, and IBM-i are all the same system

5 votes

Where is an appropriate place to ask for server-oriented product recommendations?

5 votes

Moderator elections bug

5 votes

What's with the new location in my profile?

5 votes

How come my accepted percentage is so low?

5 votes

Flag window dimming

4 votes

Is this query really "crap"?

4 votes

Is it possible to delete all Stack Exchage accounts?

4 votes

Random idea: add tags of any question asked to user's 'favourites'?

4 votes

Negative reputation

4 votes

When should an answer be flagged?

3 votes

Overly-pedantic edits for spelling, usage, and grammar?

3 votes

Is it possible to see who upvoted or downvoted a reply?

3 votes

What's the worst question you've ever seen on

3 votes

What's going on with tags on profile pages on SF?

3 votes

Is there a result of voting up a comment?

3 votes

How to find out the number of edited posts?

3 votes

Strange Entries in Tag RSS Feeds

2 votes

"participant" is not clickable. Why?

2 votes

What times do current moderators, and moderator candidates, generally feel are their most productive on SF?

1 vote

Can we get an 'anti-spam' message put in the FAQ please