System administrator with a passion for problem solving, a keen eye for detail and a focus on security who goes the extra mile. Strives to contribute to science and humanity.
Kenny Gillen joined the Open Microscopy Environment team in November 2012 as system administrator.
He looks after the diverse infrastructure needs for the open source project and also runs the University's bioimage data management platform, the OMERO server.
He graduated from the University of Glasgow and initially worked as a data analyst with Strathclyde Fire & Rescue's management and incident information systems, developing database queries to answer business and operational questions.
From there he moved into the University of Glasgow's Robertson Centre for Biostatistics, part of the Glasgow Clinical Trials Unit, where he developed web based data management applications for clinical research, alongside developing and maintaining the server, networking, storage and power systems in their dedicated clinical research data centre, introducing across the board system monitoring and server consolidation and HA with VMware ESX.
× 2Feb 27, 2017
AutobiographerOct 31, 2018
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