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Shane Madden's user avatar
Shane Madden
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
Server Fault needs professional-quality questions, not just questions from professionals
@TheCleaner The plan is to make a change to the wording in the scope soon. As far as the duplicates, two of those are old discussions from 2011 and the third is this question (?), this is different in that it's a "here's something I want us to try" than an attempt to clarify the old scope; consider it an announcement if that makes more sense :)
Server Fault needs professional-quality questions, not just questions from professionals
Re: the current discussion, this is addressed in the paragraph that starts with This isn’t going to directly address the volume of low quality questions that we’re currently dealing with. Trying to further make the point that there are currently bad questions is not necessary, because there isn't disagreement about that. If you're frustrated to the breaking point by the bad questions, why is the solution to wade further into the problem?
Server Fault needs professional-quality questions, not just questions from professionals
Your premise is that bad questions from the google drive-bys drove people away, but the decline in regular posters began long before the jump in traffic, and again, the jump in traffic didn't cause any jump in question volume, so that doesn't add up. Yes, I absolutely agree that some regulars have frustrated to the point of giving up on the community by poor quality questions, but I believe that our bigger problem is that we're not bringing in fresh blood.
Server Fault needs professional-quality questions, not just questions from professionals
@Colyn1337 I'm not sure where you got that impression, can you clarify? I hope I made it clear that the expectation will still be that questions are on-topic, clear, and answerable.
Mod hammering - to do or not to do
Because this is your answer to the question "should mods be hammering in abundance?", so that's how I'm interpreting it - if this is aimed particularly at lack of visibility of current moderators, and not an answer to the question of how aggressive our mods should be in general, then this probably isn't the place to discuss it.
Mod hammering - to do or not to do
So you're saying that "being a community leader = abundance of mod actions"?
How can we recruit and retain more talent?
Your example good-subjective questions all seem pretty answerable, I wouldn't think they should be closed..
How to make "Everything you ever wanted to know about mod_rewrite" more visible
Most of the questions which are asking how to write a rule are bad. But some of the ones needing debugging or dealing with unexpected configuration results, interactions with other modules that aren't well documented, etc. are good questions that would say we should keep. I'd propose a standard of "if you're asking for help writing mod_rewrite rules, instead of asking for help with unexpected behavior in the configuration you have (which should have taken at least some research), always close", and see where it gets us to have a slightly higher bar for these - thoughts?
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