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Hyppy's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
What should Server Fault do with questions about web hosting control panels?
@JimB We all know that it's disingenuous to oversimplify it like that. Experts are here because they feel valued, appreciated, and to be part of a community. When they take the time out of their day to answer a question from another person, only to be met with venom, then it takes a toll on their willingness to participate. It's quite common to see a question akin to "I want to do thing X, it's not working". A common response is "X is incorrect. Try Y". This has about a 50% chance of causing a new user to jump into a profanity-laden tirade. Delete those, sure, but it still hurts.
What should Server Fault do with questions about web hosting control panels?
I read it as emphasizing users in contrast with sysadmins. If a person is a user in their environment, their question is usually off-topic.
What should Server Fault do with questions about web hosting control panels?
smitty is more like MMC or Server Administrator from Windows-land, in my opinion. Those are "control panels" for Windows, but they're made to be there. cPanel, webmin, and their cousins are an abstraction that the underlying utilities know nothing about and are often the cause of just as many problems as they solve.
Abrupt change in moderation staff?
Web panels are off-topic, period. This has been discussed every few months for as long as I can remember. The community consensus has always been to remove them with extreme prejudice. This seems like it's less of an effort to reign in a "rogue moderator" and more like an effort to influence the community's standards for professionalism.
Suggestion: helping amateurs to get their way to SU / unix SE
If you'll notice, that was a substantially duplicate discussion that was cross-posted by the same asker.
Can ServerFault/StackExchange automatically "title" Microsoft Knowlege Base links?
I personally prefer #3. In any case, it's the choice of the person creating the link, wouldn't you think?
What can we do to fix the "Reasonable management practices" close reason?
I had a similar issue recently, on a thread I think you were on. Someone asked how to use Windows ICS to create a tunnel through an existing VPN so they could access restricted subnets. I probed in comments about why they didn't just configure their VPN to allow access to the subnet, and discovered that they were just trying to circumvent corporate security policy on a system they weren't allowed to administer. I wonder if we need to incorporate a "We won't help you do bad things" reason too.
Christmas Hats 2014 Edition
And here I am still attached to my BOFH gravatar.
Remove or Rename "Site" Tag
Down with the site!
BOFH Gravatar Week - Let's keep going!
Another week? Hell, I'm keeping it permanently.