Where do I ask a question about backup of local mac and vmware fusion based prototyping environment
Well thanks Chris, but please try to be a bit more cuddly next time, The point I make about who I am is still valid.
Where do I ask a question about backup of local mac and vmware fusion based prototyping environment
And what is this about anyway, who I am? you betray the sort of bias that is getting this forum a bad name and you should examine your motives for being so rude and dismissive.
Where do I ask a question about backup of local mac and vmware fusion based prototyping environment
You don't score very highly on the 'nice' scale mate, I'd quit while your are ahead. I have been Architecting and developing Systems Management and Infrastructure solutions for the last 7 year previous to which I was a support and development head, my last gig was 33000 POS terminals in 11000 locations + supporting DC (Data centre not District of Coloumbia) infrastructure, this gig is putting serial TV into a private cloud.
Where do I ask a question about backup of local mac and vmware fusion based prototyping environment
OK I have edited the original question and adjusted the tags. I was written in kind of a hurry originally so I have tried to make it a specific query. If it is better suited to another forum can I have an explicit recommendation please.
Where do I ask a question about backup of local mac and vmware fusion based prototyping environment
Pro is very seldom used as an abbreviation for Programmer. I am an IT professional that has worked in a variety of technically biased roles for the past 20 years.
Where do I ask a question about backup of local mac and vmware fusion based prototyping environment
While I appreciate your response, the nature of the question was such that it should receive a response from a professional forum. I also work in vCentre/ESXi and HyperV environments in an enterprise capacity. I need to design and prototype SQL database resilience and backup solutions, non relational database stuff like sharding and replication, application servers, web servers, security configs. I could go on and on but you get the picture. The question was really: How can I make the best and optimal use of my resources to backup my VMs and the response of this forum was Foxtrot Oscar