Is ServerFault doomed? Not if we all vote more!
So, you want us to do a lot of extremely boring and ultimately useless busywork because the SE staff is unable and/or unwilling to do it's job (yes, keeping the site usable and attractive is their job, and they fail miserably)? Sorry, I pass.
Why the major FAQ/help change?
The main problem is that before this change we could reasonably expect users to read the FAQ before asking a question. Often they didn't, but this was their failure. With the new help center, this is no longer possible - no one is going to read all that stuff before asking his first question.
Why might I have gotten downvoted for this question?
I didn't downvote, but one of the close votes was mine, for the exact reason Iain stated.
Why "professional capacity"?
So, basically, you are (a) insulting us (b) say that you don't know what you are talking about anyway, as you don't use the site anymore and (c) don't want to subject yourself to a discussion about your post. Way to go! Do you have anything constructive to add - maybe a reason why it's a bad thing to not to answer amateur questions on a site for pros if there is a whole network of sites dedicated to do just that: Answer questions from amateurs?
Who chooses the questions for review audit? I failed a highly debatable one
I've mostly giving up to review due to this audit crap and it was a situation similar to this that was the last straw for me. Instead of making the review process as streamlined as possible, the SE developers do their very best to create more hurdles ...
Can we do anything to change the dynamic of the site?
I am thinking about the same thing for a while. The problem is that this is the exact opposite of SE's fundamental premise that anyone can ask, without registration or any other obstacle. It's obvious that this isn't working so well, at least on SF, but I don't see the company change this for our site.
Can we do anything to change the dynamic of the site?
So, no, please don't add any more of this stuff. At least in my case, it would be exactly counterproductive.
Can we do anything to change the dynamic of the site?
No. People should come here because they want to contribute and help people, not for some stupid worthless "achievements". SE already took this gamification nonsense way to far with all those badges people want to get for some unfathomable reason. The end result? People want a badge and do tons of worthless edits that other users need to check or they blindly click on review buttons without really reading the stuff they are reviewing. This in turn ended in the creating of the review audit system (treating the symptoms) instead of treating the cause (wrong incentives).
Can we do anything to change the dynamic of the site?
@gWaldo: I guess the main reason to not to change this text is that none of us, including the mods, can, it has to be done by SE staff.
2013 Community Moderator Election
@MichaelHampton: I know, but this question is here and can be commented on, in opposition to the election page, and I reckon either a mod or a SE staff member might see this and chime in.
2013 Community Moderator Election
More details please. Are we to add more mods or replace current ones? It appeared that we had a consensus in January that we don't need a 2013 election, so what has changed?
Units of measure - farenheit, celcius, kelvin?
@mdpc: No, the official SI base unit for temperature is the Kelvin, not Celsius (although the difference is just the shifted zero point) and I simply meant that since it's much more practical one shouldn't adhere strictly to the standard (I know people who do this - they are morons...) and use Celsius instead, which is allowed by the system anyway.
Badge Request - Philanthropist Badge
No. Thousand times no. You open a rats nest of meta-discussion about who is getting such a badge and why or why not. If at all, it must be completely automatic and based on fixed criteria.
Migrations: Unix vs. Superuser?
NB: This was written as a reply to the original version of your comment.
Migrations: Unix vs. Superuser?
IMHO, they should drop the badge system or at least eliminate badges that lead to people doing useless busywork. But no, instead of eliminating the wrong incentives, they prefer to create badly working systems like the review audit to counter people blindly clicking the review buttons to get some stupid badges.