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Sven's user avatar
Sven's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • I don't know this planet anymore.
0 votes

Is serverfault the right forum for the below question

7 votes

Duplicate questions between the StackExchange sites?

8 votes

Reminder that a bad answer is still an answer

2 votes

This question and answers didn't age well

6 votes

Why is my question about docker-compose off-topic?

11 votes

Can we have better messaging for handling Web Hosting Control Panel questions?

12 votes

Are HTTP, web servers and web clients not used in a business environment?

8 votes

Search for a question I viewed

7 votes

Posting a link to a site with list

9 votes

About explainer badge

6 votes

Why is this question off topic here?

10 votes

email forwarding services - on topic?

14 votes

Why do some moderators consider a Raspberry Pi to be a toy? I have used it many times for business

10 votes

Why is "What are the ports used by strongSwan?" Off-topic?

3 votes

How about creating a tag for Powershell JEA (Just Enough Administration)?

5 votes

The Meta help pages may contain some copy/paste typos

4 votes

Guidelines for flagging answers

7 votes

Why does the code formatting not work?

5 votes

Why is there a shaded red box around some usernames, and not others?

7 votes

Is the response "Why do you even question this?" compatible with the new code of conduct?

3 votes

Server Fault new site theme is live

13 votes

Rude or abusive flag denied on a flippant joke answer - What then is 'rude'?

13 votes

Server Fault new site theme is live

8 votes

Why was my ceph specific question marked as a duplicate of a generalized question by multiple users?

6 votes

New Server Fault theme coming soon

8 votes

What to do with the gameserver tag?

7 votes

Why would this question be off topic

6 votes

Where should I ask a question about routing options for Gmail in G-Suite?

4 votes

create "self-hosting" tag

5 votes

Warning because of 1 down-vote?

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