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John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
How do you reject a migration?
That's better, thanks.
Is it best practise to vote down when submitter doesn't answer?
Also note that you neither gain nor lose rep by votes here on meta.
How to deal with bad questions? VOTE!
If the day to day housework is done there should be no real need for large scale purges in the future.
Can ownership of question be manually replaced?
@jokerdino, editing a question or answer in a way that changes its intent or meaning is never a good thing to do, regardless of how much it may be improved by editing.
Can ownership of question be manually replaced?
If the ownership can be changed it should be changed to "community", just to keep things neutral.
How do you reject a migration?
"is considered to be rejected" isn't the same as "how do I reject". I was attracted to the question in the hope that I might somehow be able to reject all that crap that comes over from SO. I didn't think it was possible but nevertheless the question title gave me hope. Extremely misleading.
How do you reject a migration?
That covers what happens during and after a migration but you completely failed to answer the main part of the question - "How do you reject a migration?"
Why is my question being voted down/deleted?
Whether it's SF or any other site, please read all the FAQ, not just the little bit that when read in isolation appears to make your question valid.
Talk about putting one off chat
Thanks for the shortcut but I dare say that by the time I want to get into chat again they will have changed the whole system.
Talk about putting one off chat
My issue wasn't with bugs in chat. My issue was that I couldn't even get into chat. Anyway, I did eventually get in.
How to deal with bad questions? VOTE!
On the topic of incentive, when I reached 15K the only difference I noticed since 10K was that I am now able to protect questions (which I don't think I've done yet). If/when I get to 20K I'll receive one new "power", although it's one that I'll be less likely to use. In other words, for all real practical purposes I'll be no better off at 20K than I was at 10K. For that matter, I was actually better of before 10K because at least then I didn't have to see all the deleted crap. As for voting, I vote honestly, which I believe is far more important than the number of votes I cast.
How to deal with bad questions? VOTE!
@Iain, that topic has been discussed before and everything I said last time still applies. More voting will not improve SF. That's just a load of nonsense. People don't come here to count votes, they come to solve or help solve problems. If the number of votes effects whether or not people participate then I can only say it's time for them to grow a pair end get a real life or stay away and stick to WoW.
How to deal with bad questions? VOTE!
"This isn't a rant" Well yes, it really is.
Is SF an appropriate place to ask any question about telco network?
Taken on its own that sentence from the FAQ almost looks like telco questions would be on topic but things change when you read that same sentence in context with the rest of that section.
Is SF an appropriate place to ask any question about telco network?
The part where it describes what kind of questions are on topic for SF.
How do high-reputation SF users manages both SF and their office?
+1 I reckon that pretty much sums it up for most of us.
How do high-reputation SF users manages both SF and their office?
The best reason I know of for letting them have that second machine to compile on. ;)
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