Points for comments
And don't apologise for thinking that issues affecting SF should be posted on MSF.
Points for comments
Of course sometimes snark is totally warranted and deserved. No really bad post should go unpunished.
How to revert to default gravatar
You're not retarded, at least not for this reason. I also struggled to find out how to change my avatar, as it's anything but obvious.
I think I broke the SBS-2008 tag
I've had similar issues at home and the problem turned out to be the cache on my firewall/proxy, which is so easy to overlook.
Question about optimizing compilers for a server was closed although it precisely fits SF's scope
@jstarek, allowing a sysadmin to choose dev tools is just as stupid as allowing devs to dictate how to configure a server. The two should stick to their own fields. Some of us are both but we probably understand better than most why it should be that way.
What is (or what should be) the etiquette for editing old questions or posts?
@HopelessNoob, It's more than 15. I'm currently doing a course, so checked on a couple of machines that I'm certain have never been to SF before to ensure I got the defaults. On one there were 30 questions displayed and on another there were 37. FWIW, they each ran different screen resolutions.
Why aren't question images clickable for the full-size version?
Coding that is trivial and shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes. Knowing the display size, it's a simple matter of reading the image size and comparing the two. A display link can be attached to the image if the display size is smaller than the image size. Let's face it, the rest of the Internet does this stuff easily enough.
Why aren't question images clickable for the full-size version?
Is there any real reason why we have virtually no useful documentation for how the SE sites work? Documentation on other SE sites doesn't count. Nobody should need to visit another site to find out how theirs works. Perhaps you can use a cattle prod on somebody, although I suspect I'm not the first to suggest such a thing.
The bad tag collection
Your retagging efforts are appreciated, not least because they drag some old crud to the surface where we can cast close votes, but can you slow down just a little please. New questions are struggling to stick their heads up past the edited ones.
Can't reject an edit
While that explains why the rejection didn't work it doesn't even begin to explain the error message, so they must have screwed something else up as well.
Can't reject an edit
Ok, it's not just me then. Let's leave it to the devs to sort out.
How to count the number of times I earned 200 daily reputation?
When I ran that query it gave results that conflict with what is shown in my rep history, including an entry of 270 that doesn't appear in my history, nor which I have any recollection of.
Can't reject an edit
@Mark, I suspect you're correct on both counts. Of course it's not possible to reliably determine whether a button was click was caused by a human or code and any attempt to do so is doomed to failure.
Can't reject an edit
This is a one off for me but I seldom review edits and can't recall if I've rejected one before or not. Accepting edits worked fine.