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John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
5 votes

Rejected edit and the importance of being nice

5 votes

It's Santa Time!

4 votes

Are "Find [some software product] for me" questions off-topic?

4 votes

Using "not a real question" as a close reason on questions that have answers

4 votes

Are "Help me get [X] to compile!" questions off-topic?

4 votes

Is it best practise to vote down when submitter doesn't answer?

4 votes

Why was my question considered not acceptable for Server Fault?

4 votes

Random idea: add tags of any question asked to user's 'favourites'?

4 votes

Handling illegal/immoral questions and answers

4 votes

Why can't people upvote their own questions?

4 votes

User seems to ask only homework questions. Is this a problem, or should I just ignore him?

4 votes

An ethical obligation to not answer questions seeking to circumvent IT policies?

4 votes

Is there an age cut off on the questions you want migrated from SO?

4 votes

I have questions which no one could solve at the time but I later solved, what should I do with the questions?

4 votes

Would asterisk questions be welcome here?

4 votes

Edit powers activate! Removing Hi/Thanks

4 votes

Is the syntax highlighting for Code blocks useful on SF?

4 votes

How do you define "sysadmin related"?

4 votes

no notifications, revisions, responses for some of my threads

4 votes

Two of my questions randomly downvoted at the same time

4 votes

What to do with the "Hidden features of ..." question collections?

4 votes

Are problems that turned out to be typos "Not a Real Question"?

4 votes

Kill them with Darkwood Scythe: [dyndns], [dynamic-ip], and [dynamic-dns]

4 votes

Can we weed out the benchmarking questions?

4 votes

Tag merge for switch and ethernet-switch

4 votes

Amend an accepted answer to be more correct

3 votes

Where can I find topics for every site of this network?

3 votes

Should we modify the FAQ to include policy subversion as explicitly Off Topic?

3 votes

"Serverfault Apprenticeships"

3 votes

Userbase has gone up, but participation in the election has gone down?

1 2
4 5