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John Gardeniers's user avatar
John Gardeniers
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
Is it appropriate to ask about choice of software on SF?
So where is the line, fuzzy as it may be? Do we simply each use our own discretion or should there be some sort of guideline?
Who do I ask about unfair downvotes?
The problem with NOT having anonymous voting is that it would result in retaliatory voting patterns, which would make the site completely worthless.
Editing not-so-good Questions
as the question isn't on one of this trilogy's sites, I am unfamiliar with the site on which it is asked and I'm unfamiliar with the topic itself it's not an easy one to respond to. However, my first though was that it could well stand being edited into something a lot more meaningful. The wording looks to me to be the result of a language problem more than anything else. In short, killing it would not be my first response.
Editing not-so-good Questions
The way I see it, Community Wiki does serve a purpose because it allows questions to be asked (and answered) that really have no right or wrong answer and would otherwise be too subjective and possibly be killed off.
Stop sending things to SuperUser to die!!
I hate it when a question is moved because the majority of votes were for the move but even those who voted otherwise get listed as being responsible for the move. More than once I've held back from voting because there are already 3 votes to move a question that really should be killed.
Perception of purpose
@Thomas, on a site intended only for professional programmers, how welcome would a question about writing a "Hello world" program in BASIC be? SF should not be rendered useless by similar level questions in our field. If you have an IT problem at home either ask about it on an APPROPRIATE site or perhaps pay one of us to fix it for you.
Perception of purpose
@Thomas, the trick to making a site like SF useful to people in your situation is to phrase questions in a manner that doesn't expose the fact that you're not a professional admin. Word the question to at least imply it's about your business network and people will answer and treat it accordingly. Make it obvious that it's a home network and you can expect to to get migrated.
Can we get better email notifications?
I'd be happy just to get an email when a new answer is posted. At this stage I get one once a week - sometimes - even when I've ticked the box.
Perception of purpose
Good point. My own voting pattern is affected by not necessarily being able to recognise a good answer because of my own limited knowledge in a particular part of the field. Bad questions and answers tend to be much easier to spot. My own questions have each received very few answers and votes, even when they've carried bounties, which tells me that at least they are not newbie questions. ;)
Perception of purpose
@Ward, network certainly is an appropriate subject for SF. The IT professionals for who Server Fault exists would not ask a question such as the one you linked to because it is required knowledge for any of us working in any part of the industry. Little Freddy wanting to network his Xbox and his sister's Mac is not the same thing as a professional trying to work out some tricky VLAN configuration, yet both are networking questions. One is SF material, one is not.
Perception of purpose
@Kyle, your idea has merit, in the case of the 80/8080 question, of the several possible interpretations of the question I don't know which one the OP might have been intending, so an edit might not have the results you are looking for. @Warner, I tend to be harsh on poor questions even more so than poor answers, as the questions sets the framework. I believe that a downvote should be given as readily as an upvote if it is deserved. That's my view and I'm not asking anyone else to agree with it. On the plus side, I don't think I've ever used more than 5 or 6 votes in total on a single day.