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Shog9's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
Can we turn down the campaign heat, please?
Yeah, something is broken there @Iain - I've tried to figure out why, but not seeing it; need to enlist the help of the guy who wrote it. Will get back to you on that...
Can we turn down the campaign heat, please?
I know it can, @Sirex. But please, don't be afraid.
Can we turn down the campaign heat, please?
I've done the same, @KatherineVillyard - but one must be very cautious in doing so. One of the big advantages of this software over traditional forums is the ease with which answers can be re-used by others with the same or similar problems, thus reducing the strain involved in repeatedly answering common questions... But this falls apart if questions are not answered.
2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection
Agree wholly with "frightens the competent more than the clueless", @Katherine - this has been my experience on other forums for many years. As a result, I've come to view that behavior as a sickness, a social autoimmune disease if you will. Eventually, rudeness becomes institutionalized, to the point where members start to drive away everyone – including each other.
Server Fault needs professional-quality questions, not just questions from professionals
FWIW, @Jon: Michael & I discussed that question a bit after he raised it in chat - while there's a plausible interpretation of it, it's far from clear that's what the author is actually asking. If someone wanted to answer it, I would encourage them to re-write the question for clarity; failing that, closing as Unclear is most likely to lead to the necessary improvements.
Can we turn down the campaign heat, please?
It matters when there's confusion over what attitude "sysadmin" implies, @HopelessN00b.
Can we turn down the campaign heat, please?
I will definitely endeavor to be more direct here in the future, @Iain.
Can we turn down the campaign heat, please?
Short answer there is simply that I dropped the ball, @Iain. The long answer is... There's not a lot I can do. I've talked about this a few times, publicly and with the mods in private, but at the end of the day, it's up to you folks how you want to be perceived - and whether or not you're willing to make that happen.
Why is the Server Fault community so unfriendly?
If you believe you have a better idea of what the intent was here, @Andrew, then go ahead and edit to clarify. Otherwise, wait for the author. I believe it is better now than it was, a readable question that can be answered for the benefit of the asker, which should be at least the initial goal.
Why is the Server Fault community so unfriendly?
When I found it, @Sven, this question was quite poorly written. The grammar, spelling, etc. were not great, but most notably it didn't even reference the question that prompted it - which, having been deleted, would be hard to find for even trusted members of the site. Although it had attracted three answers, no one had tried to address even the more superficial problems; instead, folks were just making fun of them in the comments. So I edited it for presentation and to match the top-voted answer. Perhaps this was not what the author intended - but of course, he's free to correct if need-be.
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