The important portion of the FAQ is the first line:
Server Fault is for Information Technology Professionals needing expert answers related to managing computer systems in a professional capacity.
For more clarifying information relating to 'professional capacity', see this M.SF question:
"Server Fault is for system administrators... in a professional capacity""Server Fault is for system administrators... in a professional capacity"
Linked from this faq-tagged question, is another question which seems relevant here:
why was the question on dev server setup moved to SU?why was the question on dev server setup moved to SU?
It was determined very early on in SF's life that dev-server setup/maintenance/whatnot was Off Topic, which was soon expanded to include home-servers (which are often dev-servers too).
What distinguishes SF from our similarly scoped brethren (Unix & Linux, Ask Ubuntu, DBA, and of course Super User) is that we're about problems that come up in the workplace during the normal execution of our paid-for-doing-this duties. This is not an immediately obvious division of scope, which is why we put it in the very first line of the faq, in bold letters.