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The important portion of the FAQ is the first line:

Server Fault is for Information Technology Professionals needing expert answers related to managing computer systems in a professional capacity.

For more clarifying information relating to 'professional capacity', see this M.SF question:

"Server Fault is for system administrators... in a professional capacity"

Linked from this -tagged question, is another question which seems relevant here:

why was the question on dev server setup moved to SU?

It was determined very early on in SF's life that dev-server setup/maintenance/whatnot was Off Topic, which was soon expanded to include home-servers (which are often dev-servers too).

What distinguishes SF from our similarly scoped brethren (Unix & Linux, Ask Ubuntu, DBA, and of course Super User) is that we're about problems that come up in the workplace during the normal execution of our paid-for-doing-this duties. This is not an immediately obvious division of scope, which is why we put it in the very first line of the faq, in bold letters.

sysadmin1138 Mod
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