An interesting conclusion that can be drawn from Shog9's numbers is that only 11% of bad questions are asked by unregistered users (21% of bad answers are). Removing unregistered users would cut the appearance of bad content (questions and answers both) on the site by 13%, assuming none of them registered.
Also, disposing of all those people would have deprived us of 4% of our good questions and 3% of our good answers, or 3% of our total good content. In other words, the site would shrink by up to 3%.
Note that the percentages in the first and second paragraphs are not directly comparable.
If the unregistered users created bad content with equal propensity to registered users, it would be expected that they asked 143 bad questions and 38 bad answers, or created 181 bad pieces of content in total. Using a chi-squared test to determine whether there is a statistical correlation between a lack of registration and the creation of bad content, I find P<0.0001 when considering only questions, only answers, and both. This shows that in all cases, these numbers are statistically meaningful.