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Oct 7, 2016 at 19:22 comment added Andrew B "you haven't been here enough to have an opinion" is better worded as "you need to familiarize yourself with the prior discussions and present a rebuttal for the prior art". :P It's less that you're new, and more that you need to do your homework on the topic that you're stepping into before you can expect to play ball. Especially considering how often others (frequently less polite and as well written as you are) bring up the same topics with similar lack of research.
Oct 7, 2016 at 14:17 comment added user9517 We used to accept *Panel questions because, perhaps, occasionally a sysadmin would want to install it or interact with it (not actually use it). All that got us was a constant stream of crappier than usual questions. We revisited the *Panel topic and decided that we no longer wanted to accept questions about systems were they are installed. That's were we are now. I don't see a compelling reason to change that. For reference:
Oct 7, 2016 at 14:01 comment added Sven Mod Well, sort of. And not at all. See, we have discussed this again and again (use the search for Meta) and I really see no point at doing it again. And yes, your experience matters because stuff wears you down after some time and changes your view. And it really doesn't help your point at all that your whole premise is wrong because we just don't close (good) AWS or GCE or whatever questions.
Oct 7, 2016 at 13:58 history answered Jeter-work CC BY-SA 3.0