We don't accept web panel question. This topic had been covered a lot in the past and wont change today.
I think whether I have root access to my server or not is irrelevant.
To answer you on that, I would likecould ask you in example, can you provide a wireshark from the server side to diagnose the error ?
I'am not a Linux admin, but the fact you don't have root block us to help you, and the fact you use a management tool on top of that make it harder to diagnose. We can be seen heartless there, but in fact if someone sell you a shared hosting, it's him that need to answer you or open a support case to the web control panel software. It's him that can do the support for you.
To quote webmaster's moderator on your other question; as he explain it clearly, we help ifThere is nothing wrong by wanting to learn. My point is more you are the admincould not mark a answer as answered, and ifas everyone could answer you don't use web control panel (which wouldsomething that technically could be more on topic over thereright, but we could never rule out the solution.)
They want to make sure that you are the server administrator and have full command line access to the server. They don't answer questions about configuring a server through cPanel. – Stephen Ostermiller♦ (https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/124684/is-there-a-difference-between-server-issue-or-control-panel-issue)
A note, linking to a comment that talk about prejudice is not fair for SF members as it's took outside of context. (it was a big debate at that time). We just don't take those questions anymore, and webmaster is there for those questions.