I was reading the types of allowed questions. Quoting:
If your question is about…
Server and Workstation operating systems, hardware, and software.
Business/Enterprise grade virtualization
Enterprise storage, backup, and disaster recovery
Network routing, switches, and firewalls
Operations, maintenance, and monitoring
and it is not about…
Anything in a home or development environment
Product, service, or learning material recommendations
Career, salary, personnel, employment, or formal education
Licensing, legal advice, and circumvention of security or policy
Unauthorized hacking, password cracking, or system misuse
And I had a question which was marked as "too broad".
My question was regarding data security: I was concerned about mounting a kind of knowledge base for a company, which could hold, potentially, data regarding security, internal policies, or even copyrighted materials. What I asked was a two-part questions: one regarding potential spionage and actual strenght of encryption, and one regarding a standard -database level or filesystem level- known solution to protect my data, without having to implement one (otherwise it would be a programming issue).
In what sense would it be considered "too broad" and how could I refactor a question with such topics so it's not marked as too broad?
Edit: Forgot to add context of the question I asked: it was regarding NSA (so it's about hostile govts), and regarding VPS, so we could discard physical theft (which is an assumed risk when you contract any hosting type). Link to the question is above.