My posts are frequently hijacked by comments:
- "Stop typing and start reading"
- "don't make so many revisions"
Generally understanding these cyclic worries, I should explain that I cannpt do any of this,
because I do not see rendering pane of my typing after first dozen lines due to:
- "Related Question" above editor textbox occupies all screen
- the editing textbox is not adjustable in sizeand is too short in height
and rendering pane disappear from view after a dozen lines...
And this all having multimonitor with 3 monitors of 17", 22" (the height is the same as 17") and 15"!
Possible solutions are easy, one would suffice:
- to make the editing and rendering panes, "Related Questions" adjustable in size and movable
- etc.
As an urgent measure,
- just to place rendering pane to the right of editing textbox (but not beneath), side by side and make them higher and narrower,
- to move "Related question" beneath "How to format" (appearing during typing) or above
- provide "Preview" button
I would like to thank all participants.
This is the first time in my life I observe so many talented educated individuals to gather together in order to unanimously and brilliantly prove banalities to one worthless individual.