macosxserver -> mac-osx-server
osx-server -> mac-osx-server

osx -> mac-osx


1 Answer 1


Also consider addressing:

  • leopardserver -> leopard-server
  • osx-10.6 -> snow-leopard
  • osx -> mac-osx
  • macosx -> mac-osx

The most difficult to clean up will be mac. Work should be done to separate the use of mac as a description of the physical address from its usage to identify Apple computers.

leopard - 39
leopardserver - 2
snow-leopard - 81
snow-leopard-server - 40
osx - 248
macosx - 635
macosxserver - 158
mac-osx-server - 9
osx-10.6 - 10
osx - 248
macosx - 635
mac - 265
  • 5
    After separation perhaps mac should become mac-address to eliminate confusion. Commented Sep 2, 2010 at 5:45
  • 1
    Now we just need a feature to black-hole a tag (the way [subjective] was perma-killed) so people are forced to use, say, mac-address or mac-os... Or did that go in and I was snoozing that day? Commented Sep 3, 2010 at 21:59

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