Let me start off by first welcoming you to ServerFault. This community exists for the sole purpose of sharing knowledge and helping each other. We use the Q/A format to accomplish this goal.
The problem with your question is that it cannot be answered. Troubleshooting has to take place before you'll arrive to the true question. I think your initial question is more akin to "How do I troubleshoot this"? Now, if during your troubleshooting and recovery you hit an error you can ask a question based on that error which could possibly be answered.
You're in a pickle, we all get that, and most of us hopefully sympathize. However, the way you've asked your question precludes anyone from dropping in and saying "I know the answer!!! Do this!". Try to keep the Q/A format in mind, and always ask yourself "can someone answer this without asking me a bunch of questions first?".
To be clear though, I have to side with the moderation action in this case. Your question, as it is written, is not answerable in the Q/A format. Try to rethink it, and if you can fix it these same moderators will lift the hold.