Emails from all non-StackOverflow stack exchange websites are sent from StackOverflow email. Is this intentional? It does look a bit weird in my Inbox as well because of the "name" of the email.
Example (before the change):
From: "Stack Exchange" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Server Fault Weekly Newsletter - Friday, January 12, 2018
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 17:23:18 +0000
After the change
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 19:18:01 +0000
From: "Stack Overflow" <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Subject: Server Fault Newsletter - Friday, February 2, 2018
In addition, ServerFault newsletter now has a default styling instead of the ServerFault styling.