This is not a complaint, and I don't care about the points.
I just find ironic amusement in the response to my answer to Execute root commands through ssh user.
A user asked about an error message he was getting:
It seems to me that there is a problem with the combination of ssh -t and sudo -S, but I don't get it.
It received a few comments and three answers, but none of them actually answered the question:
- Use Ansible.
- Configure SSH to allow non-password root logins.
- Your System Administrators need a quick slap round the head.
These are all good ideas, but they didn't solve the OP's problem.
This site is about "managing information technology systems in a business environment", so naturally all the responses ignored the immediate problem, looked at the overall situation, and gave good advice about completely different, far more reliable and secure, and far more complicated ways of accomplishing the task.
Perhaps the question was so simple it didn't occur to them what was actually being asked.
Today, four days later, I replied that it was "simply a shell quoting problem" and gave a correct version of the command.
The OP replied:
Wow! That solved the problem! Thanks for answering my question so straight forward.
Now, had that happened anywhere else, my answer would have at least received a few up-votes, not only for giving the right answer, but because even the experts hadn't been able to answer it.
But instead, because it's this site, it got a down-vote, and without any comment of course.
The question was simple, the answer even more trivial, but no one would answer it, and the one correct answer it did receive was downvoted.
I understand why it happens like this, but still find it amusingly strange.