Linked Questions

28 votes
13 answers

How can we recruit and retain more talent?

Tangentially related to another meta post, the last discussion about this was a while back, so it may be time to revisit this topic. The #1 answer in the chat was money, so that and fried chicken ...
MDMoore313's user avatar
  • 5,626
30 votes
8 answers

Can we do anything to change the dynamic of the site?

This came up in relation to the upcoming mod election, e.g. Dennis' question here, and tombull89's and Iain's comments here, but I think the discussion of this shouldn't be limited to "what do the the ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
36 votes
6 answers

Why SF is failing - the dismal future of ServerFault

This is a Canonical Question about the scope of Server Fault and the attitude of the community. This is in response to Questions to ask the SE staff regarding the future of ServerFault Why am I ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 890
33 votes
7 answers

Questions to ask the SE staff regarding the future of ServerFault

There is user concern regarding the direction ServerFault has been heading over the past year; in particular what some, myself included, see as a significant rise in inappropriate and bad questions ...
Chopper3's user avatar
  • 102k
46 votes
4 answers

What IS a "professional capacity"?

This is part of a set of questions on how Server Fault defines "professional" system and network administration. For additional information, see: Why "professional capacity"? ...
19 votes
3 answers

Refusing to give teh codez, good or bad practice?

When trying to provide an answer, I sometimes found myself hesitant to provide the exact recipe that would be a solution for a particular problem. I think it is better (it has always been better when ...
dawud's user avatar
  • 15.4k
7 votes
4 answers

Why is there so much focus on low-quality questions at-large?

It's election time and I read a bunch of meta. I noticed that there seems to be a lot of focus by hi-rep users and moderators on low quality questions. Much of those discussions involve laments by ...
alx9r's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Proposed change to Server Fault guidelines

Following up on the discussion here, I’d like to propose some changes to our help center guidelines to remove subjective language (particularly the “professional” part) and simplify things a bit, ...
Shane Madden's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Are RaspberryPi's ever on topic for ServerFault?

I'm seeing more questions to do with RaspberryPi boards. This latest one set me off: Why can't I stream more than 1 file using nginx? Is there a belief that RaspberryPis can be used in a professional ...
Wesley's user avatar
  • 33k
-5 votes
3 answers

Is there recourse for abusive moderation?

I asked this question about yum and Apache, which is a perfectly fine question for this site. A site moderator stepped in and issued comments that were not helpful to answering the question as asked. ...
Alex Reynolds's user avatar
-4 votes
6 answers

What is server fault for?

Ok, I can't understand what I am supposed to post on that stackexchange site as everything I post gets downvoted, this for stackexchanges general policies too. On stackoverflow I know I can post ...
Phate's user avatar
  • 155
7 votes
6 answers

What questions are on topic for ServerFault? What is the right thing to do if I asked an off-topic question?

Where can I read what kind of questions that are appropriate to ServerFault? One could think About page is such a place, but it is not. I have a couple of questions that were poorly received. I can ...
Nickolai Leschov's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Are we becoming too judgmental about questions relating to "professionalism"?

It seems odd to me that this question (Windows XP procedurally drop packets) is currently flagged for issues on being "professional." When did this site become so judgmental and only accept ...
Adam's user avatar
  • 205
3 votes
4 answers

Creating a canonical "A: Hire a professional" question

There's been discussion on chat for quite a while now about creating a canonical question along the lines of: Q: Our last guy who was our expert in system XYZ left, HALP? A: Hire someone. Q: I'm not ...
Andrew's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

Serverfault mods on a higher horse than stackoverflow (closing questions)

Edit (by MadHatter, not the original poster): before posting a response to this question, please read the entire thing, including the comments thread at the bottom. The OP deleted the original ...
MetaChrome's user avatar

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