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Questions tagged [faq-updates]

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12 votes
5 answers

Proposed change to Server Fault guidelines

Following up on the discussion here, I’d like to propose some changes to our help center guidelines to remove subjective language (particularly the “professional” part) and simplify things a bit, ...
3 votes
4 answers

Creating a canonical "A: Hire a professional" question

There's been discussion on chat for quite a while now about creating a canonical question along the lines of: Q: Our last guy who was our expert in system XYZ left, HALP? A: Hire someone. Q: I'm not ...
12 votes
6 answers

FAQ Rewrite edit round 1

Since the FAQ as-written was not accepted, we get to have an edit round. The below is a grammar/spelling/punctuation checked version of the FAQ. The edit process: Proposed edits will be submitted ...
2 votes
1 answer

What's happening with the FAQ?

The voting question has been locked, but there's no indication of what the status is. For those of us who haven't been on The Comms Room lately (where I assume it's been discussed), would it be ...
6 votes
2 answers

Voting on the FAQ rewrite

The FAQ is a very, very important document. It forms the topical-foundation of ServerFault in the way that a constitution forms the foundation of a country's legal system. Because of this, changes to ...
6 votes
3 answers

Can we weed out the benchmarking questions?

I propose a change to the FAQ and closing policy: I'd like to see all of the benchmarking questions closed with prejudice; I'm tired of seeing them. In my mind, the answer is almost always the same: ...
18 votes
4 answers

What's off-topic; anything in a home setting, or anything that was designed for home use?

For our FAQ reshaping, I think we need to decide something: Do we hurl questions over to Super User based solely on using a consumer-oriented product, even when it's clear that that product is being ...
12 votes
7 answers

Should we modify the FAQ to include policy subversion as explicitly Off Topic?

Based on some of the comments here I went and looked at the FAQ again. We've always, as far as I can remember, closed policy subversion questions as Off Topic. The question that brought this up is ...
10 votes
2 answers

Changing the FAQ: Home networks

One thing I've noticed in close-voting is that if the questioner mentions that what they're doing is in their home in any way, it gets voted off-topic. If it's about the network itself, it gets ...
4 votes
3 answers

Server Fault FAQ Update

Based on the responses to this question here, and after reviewing the FAQ again, I would like to suggest a section be added similar to Super User which explicitly states what questions are not allowed ...