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32 votes
8 answers

Paddington Bear Choppertar

Many of our top users seem to have avatars with a picture of themselves in a car with what appears to me to be Paddington Bear: So what is the story behind this?
Kyle Brandt's user avatar
  • 85.1k
27 votes
36 answers

It's Santa Time!

Let's do this. What with the DramaLlama being out in full force, I think it's time to take a breather and bring the funny back. To wit: I propose the Santification of your gravatars till after the new ...
18 votes
51 answers

Christmas Hats 2013 Edition!

It's December! For the past couple of years, many SF'ers have added Santa hats to their Gravatars For Christmas. Feel free to join in, here are the hats we've used in the past: or
7 votes
1 answer

Christmas Hats 2014 Edition

Maybe it's time for a change? But for the past couple of years, many SF'ers have added Santa hats to their Gravatars For Christmas. If you already have a Gravatar with a hat it's easy to activate it ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Nice serverfault image

Here's how splattne's announcement rendered in my browser... I thought it was quite appropriate! [removed broken image link]
3 votes
3 answers

Why can't you "follow" or at least "favorite" other ServerFault / StackExchange users?

I may get flamed for asking, but I've always wondered.. Why don't the StackExchnge sites have any mechanism for “making friends", or at least keeping track of people you like, find ...
mralexgray's user avatar
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-17 votes
2 answers

My reputation is 666; how do I change it? [closed]

I've noticed today that my reputation on ServerFault corresponds to the number of the beast. It makes me very unhappy. I don't have in mind any interesting ServerFault-related question which could ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar