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7 votes
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Request to merge tags: [php-fpm] and [php5-fpm]

I noticed recently that some FPM questions are tagged php5-fpm and others php-fpm. I'm not sure there's any useful distinction here, should probably be merged.
growse's user avatar
  • 8,110
3 votes
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merge [gnu-screen] and [screen]

AFAICT, screen and gnu-screen cover the same topic, GNU Screen. Can we please merge them? screen has more followers and is the simpler name, so I suggest keeping that. But gnu-screen is also fine if "...
Andrew Schulman's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Merge the tags about Linear Tape Open: lto, lto-3, lto-4

Linear tape open is a famous tape drive technology. The LTO Consortium defines the new generations LTO-1, LTO-2... from time to time. It makes sense to merge all tags to lto, because the the version ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar