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As the alleged Serial Close-voter, I will state this:

The user in question has a history of posting astonishingly lazy, zero-research questions and asking (and perhaps shading into expecting) us to do their work for them.

It was believed by some that I was blindly dropping close votes on all of that user's questions, which is not the case. In fact, those with access to the API would be able to confirm that some of the good ones have received upvotes from me from time to time.

As a concerned user of ServerFault I feel it was my duty to go back and drop close votes on crap questions. I strongly feel that means of finding those questions need not be simply the front page or particular tags, and that serial abusers and Help Vampires should not be allowed to hide their habits through such social restrictions.

That user has asked the better part of 200 questions, and a great many of them are garbage. As stated by Voretaq7, I went through them from newest to oldest and dropped a Close vote on all the crappy ones. Considering that this was less than 3 days worth of close votes, it doesn't remotely reach the level of half of that user's questions.

As I said in the comments, if you feel I'm being too harsh in my judgment of quality or usefulness, you are all not only free to but encouraged to disagree with me.

And if for those of you ardent about this on either side, well, best all y'all get your sad carcasses into the /review queues and VOTE.

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