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voretaq7 Mod
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I'm not opposed to changing the help center text (I'm the idiot who suggested doing it last time, and frankly I still don't think it's very good), but I have some issues with your proposal as it stands.

##Professional Capacity
We have pretty clearly defined what we mean by "in a professional capacity". It's meant to exclude developers who don't want to talk to their sysadmin but would rather demand free help here, as well as people who are cowboying it in the "kinda the sysadmin but no clue what I'm doing really" crowd. I don't feel either of these are in scope for this site - they're certainly not MY target audience when I ask or answer questions here.

Your language above does not preserve that audience narrowing.
If you can come up with language that does (or a good reason why we should be answering questions from those groups) I'd be willing to give this more consideration, but right now I'm opposed to removing the "professional" requirement.


I believe Stuff-as-a-Service is already in-scope with the existing Help Center text.

Including "working with services hosting or enabling your information technology" opens us up to "My Squarespace site is borked. That's my company's website. HALP!!" questions.

If you can come up with narrower scoping that makes it more clear that we don't want the questions that should be going to vendor support this could be added, but I think it's superfluous since Stuff-as-a-Service in a professional capacity is already in-scope.

Licensing, Legal, Circumvention, and Unauthorized Use/Misuse

These all need to be included as explicitly off-topic.
They need to be explicitly listed as off topic because people keep asking these questions even though they are explicitly listed as off topic.

Legal advice needs to be excluded because we are not here to give you legal advice. We are not lawyers. We may mention a legal requirement or regulation if it's applicable to a question but we should not be answering questions about "Is doing X legal under law Y?" - People still ask us that though.

Circumvention needs to be excluded because we are not here to teach you how to get around your system administrator's policy. We ARE the bloody system administrators, and we'd be pissed if someone tried to circumvent OUR policies. (I would agree to mentioning this in the "unauthorized use/misuse" line though - it logically belongs there.)

voretaq7 Mod
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