RMaaS (Reading Manuals as a Service) is part of our community services...
Although I often comment with:
Server Fault is a site for information technology professionals -- as such we have certain professional expectations when people ask a question here, and one of those expectations is that you will have done some research, found and read the vendor documentation and/or tried a solution before asking the internet for help. ...
We also have the motto:
Good questions get good answers.
So if the question does not make your eyes bleed and your more advanced experience allows you to more easily find the relevant answer in the manual and you're inclined to answer, please don't hesitate just because of that.
(Please don't forget to include the correct attribution when you quote a section of the manual verbatim.)
Fairly often the reason I can point to the manual in the first place is only because I already know exactly what keyword/jargon to look for and where. Simply starting on the first page won't easily get you there. I.e. try searching the 57 separate man pages that make up the terse OpenSSL manual or search the Bash manual for the meaning of . (a period) in shell scripts...