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yagmoth555 Mod
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Thanks a lot for your times to write that to explain the situation. It’s really appreciated.

I will state it to let other know that I don’t intend to quit my moderation tasks.

nb; to state my position on the issue:

If some of you are following what unfolded with the new CoC, please know that I was a witness in the start of the event, and in a indirect protest I just intend to quit the Teachers Lounge completely and soon the Stack Overflow Moderator Team. Such tools are there to discuss with the StackExchange Staff directly. My moderator CoC don’t force me to interact with them at all except with official way (email/mod message)

The why is; Monica defended me, and I defended are view that I would not use pronoun or avoid them when I moderate. She got sacked, while me Iam still there. I still don’t understand that. (And why a discussion went up so badly and un-moderated by the SE staff directly.)

One side argued that avoiding pronoun was possible, and another side that avoiding pronoun could hurt. I agree to both side, but I believe in a battle that someone got to stop and look with a distance to the discussion. The Teacher Lounge chat room become that day a double edged sword, a tool that can be used to justify and silence any moderator.

For the new CoC I intend to abide by it to the best of my knowledge.

To let it know Iam a French native, in French there isnt gender neutral stance. For me ´they’ sound like an insult to write to someone, as they mean to me ´ils’, so it’s him to the plurials. (In French gender neutral pronoun are getting talked, but some words can’t be gender neutral)

A last word, I moderate inside Microsoft platform, and their CoC is mainly be nice..

A CM, on StackExchange, in the start of the debate told me it too, « the new CoC is just for when someone misuse a pronoun, for clear cut case ». I still have hope that they will fix their mess, but in the short term I will focus on the community I love soo much and cut myself from their discussions.

yagmoth555 Mod
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