I'm a PostgreSQL admin/developer, sysadmin, multi-language programmer (lately mostly Java and Java EE, previously C, C++, Python and good old bash) and general IT JOAT.
I work for 2nd Quadrant, a global PostgreSQL consultancy. I'm one of the developers of BDR, the multi-master async replication solution for PostgreSQL, and do a lot of support as well.
I maintain a technical blog at blog.ringerc.id.au. My PostgreSQL writing now appears on the 2nd quadrant blog.
I'll work in most programming languages with varying degrees of competence, though I'll only reluctantly touch PHP or Perl code. I'm more interested in the libraries, tools, and the code that's built on top of the language.
Most of my scrap code lives on https://github.com/ringerc . Most of my open source code is in the form of scattered patches across too many different bugzillas and JIRAs, rather than single new projects. I contribute patches to PostgreSQL and work on BDR.
Most of my contribution is now non-code, in the form of:
- Detailed bug reporting with test cases
- User support for PostgreSQL on mailing lists and here on SE
- PostgreSQL patch review and beta testing
- Usability review
- Writing, editing and enhancing documentation, HOWTOs, etc
- Blogging in detail on topics likely to be useful to others.
I've turned into a git fiend and no longer understand why anybody uses anything else. I'm also becoming increasingly obsessive about testing, particularly with the advent of Jenkins CI and related tools.
× 13Dec 2
SupporterDec 11, 2012
AutobiographerSep 24, 2014
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