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HopelessN00b's user avatar
HopelessN00b's user avatar
HopelessN00b's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
9 votes

Should we discourage the use of PPTP

9 votes

How to deal with bad questions? VOTE!

9 votes

Handle the question where OP decided to reinstall the system and begin from scratch

9 votes

Is a question about configuring a server admin panel off topic?

9 votes

Recent changes of site moderation behavior

9 votes

Five year old question received several answers from new users

8 votes

Dealing With Questionable Actions Taken By Moderators

8 votes

Someone is removing the history tag. Was that discussed and should the edit be accepted or rejected?

8 votes

What's the best close reason for impossible troubleshooting questions?

8 votes

Duplicate of deleted question

8 votes

What can we do to fix the "Reasonable management practices" close reason?

8 votes

2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

8 votes

Processing the Review / Late Answers queue

7 votes

Server Fault needs professional-quality questions, not just questions from professionals

7 votes

As a reviewer, when should I upvote first posts?

7 votes

Getting downvotes on personal ground

7 votes

In which way my question was off-topic

6 votes

Minecraft Server Questions--VTC?

6 votes

Merge Request for trio [dnsbl] [dnsrbl] [rbl]

6 votes

Why lock a question because a poorly worded locked duplicate with no answers exist?

6 votes

New review option: approve trivial edit?

6 votes

Can some explain to me how asking a question about learning on a site dedicated to learning is off topic?

6 votes

Do the review audits expect me to recognize an answer as a duplicate without seeing the other answer?

6 votes

Why are learning materials questions off-topic?

6 votes

I'm tired of answering questions with: "Upgrade the firmware" or "Run updates"

6 votes

Accept or reject edits that only remove salutations?

6 votes

How should we handle questions that don't have a satisfactory answer but can't be pursued any longer?

6 votes

Are WiFi extenders considered to be non-professional?

6 votes

Is it best practise to vote down when submitter doesn't answer?

5 votes

The bad tag collection