Getting a bit too snarky
+1 - though I would be just in front of TomTom but still right at the back of the line for throwing stones on this one
Paddington Bear Choppertar
I think I'm much fatter :)
Paddington Bear Choppertar
haha - that'd give me better mileage than my real car for certain
Paddington Bear Choppertar
I told another friend that Yankee caps are made in South Boston and that he should wear one, smiling and pointing at it wherever he went went there - he was physically thrown out of a bar :)
Paddington Bear Choppertar
edited body
Merge guest account with StackExchange account
edited tags
Deleted post: why mine, and not many others on the same question?
I've no idea who or why someone down voted you but seriously dude, concentrate on adding to SF not moaning about losing the odd rep point. Firstly it's only meta, it doesn't really count and it doesn't really matter, you should see how many down votes all of the top rep users get. If you're going to come on here every time some upsets you you'll only get more down votes I'd imagine.
Deleted post: why mine, and not many others on the same question?
Ultimately you posted a cartoon not an answer, and non-answer get deleted, nothing personal, happens all the time. If I was annoyed it was because we've had a flood of just this kind of easily-answered-but-often-needlessly-argued complaint that takes time away from my weekend and other mod jobs that need doing.
Deleted post: why mine, and not many others on the same question?
You're right, I am, and the majority of the reason why has nothing to do with you or your post, we've just had a lot of very low users moaning about single post close/deletes today. We get hundreds of posts each day to be checked, some need moderating but the only people that ever complain are new users with some sense that their words and only theirs are gold woven thread that can't be touched, very often the exact opposite is true. I'm sorry that you feel moderators need to be ice-cool perfect people, after all you pay so very much for this site right, you deserve better right?
Deleted post: why mine, and not many others on the same question?
Take more time to understand the site, you'll quickly figure out why users alerted us to it.
Deleted post: why mine, and not many others on the same question?
We haven't got time sorry, we don't get paid for this and it takes a LOT of time, we also get a lot of crap to deal with, so sorry we don't justify our every minor action. 90% our work is driven by alerts from other users, as it was in this case.
editing other user's posts for completely trivial reasons
Well edit them then, I could then post here complaining about people editing my comments. I'm not sure you're getting the point of this are you?
editing other user's posts for completely trivial reasons
But I've not moderated or editing on any of your posts, not one, I've simply stated my opinions, which would be the same whether I were a moderator or not. So I don't see why my moderator status has even been mentioned by you, unless you expect me to express my opinions differently because of that status. Can you answer that?
editing other user's posts for completely trivial reasons
The problem I have is that it's not just that you don't appreciate the efforts of those who choose to use their own time to address your unprofessionalism but that you thought it wise to come here to question and deride their efforts while trying to justify your own laziness or lack of care. Basically you're putting down those that add to the site, and that's counter to the site's beliefs.
editing other user's posts for completely trivial reasons
Are moderators somehow not allowed an opinion? Even if it's one you don't like?
editing other user's posts for completely trivial reasons
See that's the problem, you "think it's a mischaracterization to refer to it as 'poor grammar'", others know it's not and choose to spend their time fixing your problem. This site is for professionals and while we don't all write every post perfectly we also don't whine about it if someone fixes our problems.